05 Oct We restyle our brand
A successful brand identity can improve sales, facilitate product launches, and simplify long-term business growth. If brand identity were not important, we would feel comfortable buying any product that met our basic needs, yet we continue to choose products from companies with reputations we trust.
For this reason, in 2021, Fritzsche decided to renew and restyle its brand, among other strategic decisions. The project was entrusted to Stereotypo agency and was led by the heads of the commercial department, Wenceslao Pazos, Fritzsche SAICA; Mariano Sangronis, Citromax Group, and later by Estefanía Scuka, in charge of the new Marketing & Corporate Communication of Citromax Group.
First of all, the brand required adjustments to work properly in the new communication media that the company intended to use (social networks, whatsapp, etc.).The isotype was worked symmetrically based on the redesign of the original characteristic clover of the brand, while also giving the petal the appearance of a drop. From then, volume was added to it through lights and shadows, giving it a current and contemporary look. In the same way, the typography was modernized, replacing the current one with a sans-serif typeface and better legibility on the screen. The chromatic decision was also important, deciding to be consistent with the color green and other elements from the original logo.
When we talk about identity we refer to the language, to the set of graphic, oral and written expressions that a brand uses, both in its internal and external communication. Mistakenly it is often reduced to the name, but it is much more than that. It includes all the speech that a brand generates. From the naming of its areas or products, the voice and tone used in its communications, and even the messaging used to describe itself (mission, vision, positioning statements, brand promise, corporate taglines, slogans, advertising headlines, etc.).
Fritzsche, originally divided into the flavors and fragrances sectors, understood that the needs of its customers had become more complex and that they were increasingly looking for comprehensive solutions that necessarily required the joint work of perfumers, flavorists, technicians and specialists in quality and sustainability, among others. From a pigmented lipstick based on tropical fruits or a caffeinated eye cream based on coffee beans; to a natural or organic citrus fragrances that could guarantee their production under strict sustainability and social responsibility practices.
Consequently, we decided to divide our products, no longer into flavors and fragrances, but by application: 1) Human Nutrition, 2) Home & Fabric Care, 3) Personal Care, 4) Pharmaceutical and 5) Animal Nutrition & Health. We also decided to assign a color palette to each, achieving a clearer communication about the main industries we work for. We kept the green color for “Human Nutrition”. Red tones associated with the heart, feelings and senses were chosen for “Home & Personal Care”. Blue color was assigned to “Pharmaceutical” giving it rigor. And finally, in “Animal Nutrition & Health” orange tones were used to transmit warmth.
At Fritzsche we work at an industrial level and we also wanted to reflect this through the images of our communications, which should show from the “detail” to the “scale”, the micro in close-ups to generate impact, and the macro to reflect the scope of our products and the Citromax Group as a whole.
The brand identity speaks of the vision of our business, the values of the company and even the quality of our products, from which other partners can identify themselves and feel proud and fulfilled to work with a company that shares their same values.
Author: Estefanía Scuka
Date: 5 Oct 2022
© Fritzsche SAICA