Fritzsche SAICA | Home & Fabric Care
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A new cleaning concept

Today the act of cleaning has changed, and moved beyond day-to-day hygiene, to more complex variables, such as the search for a personal or family space, or the desire to build a home that reflects our own values. Our expertise allows us to capture these new needs and offer our customers the right insights and fragrance for their products.

Fabric Care


We know that a fresh towel or a soft, clean sheet are able to make an everyday rutine into a moment of comfort. Furthermore, fragrances have the power to transform us and evoke diverse sensations such as freshness, freedom, security or confidence, among others.


From laundry liquids to fabric softeners, at Fritzsche we work side by side with our customers to create high-performing scented products that survive the wash-cycle, protect the fabric and cause minimal environmental impact.

Fabric Care


We know that a fresh towel or a soft, clean sheet are able to turn an everyday rutine into a moment of comfort and relaxation. Furthermore, fragrances have the power to transform us and evoke diverse sensations such as freshness, freedom, security or confidence, among others.


From laundry liquids to fabric softeners, at Fritzsche we work side by side with our customers to create high-performing scented products that survive the wash-cycle, protect the fabric and cause minimal environmental impact.



At Fritzsche we want to make household cleaning an easy and rewarding house chord.


Our fragrances applied to detergents, multipurpose cleaners, sprays, dishwashers, and other products whose main objective is sanitization, manage not only to neutralize the invasive odors of degreasing, antifungal or bleaching substances, but also evoke a feeling of cleanliness, freshness and welcoming home.

Air Care


Diffusers, humidifiers, candles, sprays and ultrasonic.


From the highest quality raw materials, we develop fragrances that not only smell great but also have the ability to satisfy the deepest needs of consumers. Some aromas are welcoming, others encourage creativity or enhance rest. At Fritzsche we know each note, the effects of their combination and the result of their application.

Air Care


Diffusers, humidifiers, candles, sprays and ultrasonic.


From the highest quality raw materials, we develop fragrances that not only smell great but also have the ability to satisfy the deepest needs of consumers. Some aromas are welcoming, others encourage creativity or enhance rest. At Fritzsche we know each note, the effects of their combination and the result of their application.