Fritzsche SAICA | Flavor Crafting
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Flavor Crafting

In our facility located in San Fernando, Buenos Aires Province, we have theĀ  technology required to carry out the following processes:



Combining two or more liquids that do not normally mix, such as oil and water, we create emulsions. These are ideal for producing water-soluble flavors, perfect for use in aqueous products like beverages and sauces.

Liquid Flavors


We create liquid aromatic concentrates that can be easily integrated into a wide range of products, including food, beverages, and personal care items. Liquid flavors stand out for their versatility and ease of incorporation into various applications.

Liquid Flavors

We create liquid aromatic concentrates that can be easily integrated into a wide range of products, including food, beverages, and personal care items. Liquid flavors stand out for their versatility and ease of incorporation into various applications.

Spray Drying Flavors


Using this technique, we transform liquid flavors into powder. The process involves atomizing the liquid into fine particles that dry rapidly, resulting in a powder that can be added to dry products like cake mixes or snacks.

Impregnated Flavors


We incorporate flavors directly in powder form. This presentation offers advantages in terms of handling, measurement, and blending in final products. They are commonly used in the manufacturing of foods and consumer goods, such as sodas, seasonings, and baked goods.

Impregnated Flavors


We incorporate flavors directly in powder form. This presentation offers advantages in terms of handling, measurement, and blending in final products. They are commonly used in the manufacturing of foods and consumer goods, such as seasonings, and baked goods.